TALiNT Partners Insights provides invaluable information that enables businesses to make informed, strategic decisions. Our curated insights are your tools for problem-solving, fostering growth, and achieving success within talent acquisition and staffing.

Grow your own talent

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Hiring young talent with no experience can be an overwhelming process. JobTeaser may have the answer

For many employers, hiring and nurturing early talent is a key part of their overall talent strategy especially in the current environment where hiring experienced candidates is so challenging. Growing your own talent is now key to a successful long-term resourcing strategy. As we know, Gen Z has its own specific requirements and expectations, so how can you best adapt to this target audience?

Our partner JobTeaser has produced a six-step guide to building the perfect job listing in order to attract young talent! In it you’ll find out:

  • How to explain what a job entails to someone with little or no previous job experience
  • How to differentiate between what information is necessary and what is optional in your advert and,
  • What kind of information is most appealing to recent graduates.

Click here for the download: https://info.jobteaser.com/template-job-ad

The TALiNT Partners Emerging Talent Summit is back!

If you’ve not already booked your seat, you should! Please join us on the 23rd of June in London for our annual Emerging Talent Summit! We’re getting together to meet peers, share challenges and learn about potential solutions to improve early careers hiring! The event is exclusively for HR, TA and Early Careers leaders.

Contact andy@talintpartners.com for any further information.

