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Low salaries are the top reason for employee resignations

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Gen X are the most likely workers to explore ‘job-hopping’

UK office workers are handing their notices in, swapping jobs, and ditching the 9 to 5 as part of a ‘quiet quitting’ revolution according to new research

The survey carried out by instantprint, the largest UK-based online printer, interviewed 1,000 UK employees to explore the pros and cons of working. Ghosting, quitting by text, and simply walking out are just some of the ways UK office workers are quietly quitting their jobs.

The data shows,  over 20% of respondents have moved jobs three times in the last three years and 32.52% ranked being underpaid or salary as a reason why they would quit their job. Half of the women surveyed revealed they will quit or would quit because they were underpaid or believed their salary didn’t reflect their job and 60% of women would quit or have quit due to poor sickness and or maternity policies.

The survey revealed that workers appreciate being rewarded for doing a good job with 21.95% saying they would move for better rewards and or incentives and 13.82% would consider job hopping for commission and or bonus scheme In the last three years, 45.33% of respondents have started their own business or ‘side hustle’ and this is now their full-time occupation.

Younger employees are notorious for being branded the ‘job-hopping generation’, with those close to retirement usually sticking it out for the final few years in the same job. The data showed that those under 18s or Gen X, moved on average around four times in the last three years. 52% of 18-24-year-olds moved jobs 1 time whereas 39% of 45-55-year-olds moved 3 times and all 65+-year-old respondents shared that they hadn’t moved jobs at all.

Salary also ranked second for respondents’ reasons as to why they would be attracted to a job. Nearly 30% of respondents would move jobs for a better salary and 27.85% would move just to receive a better and or different role and responsibilities. Following salary, childcare was a major factor with 24.95% of respondents ranking this as a reason to quit.

Other factors for quitting include; stress (23%) shift and working patterns (22%), moving location, (17%), toxic bosses (21.74) not being challenged (15%) as well as workplace bullying (15%).  Amidst the cost of living crisis, expenses such as parking, petrol and travel were a factor for 18.90% of respondents. Training and learning opportunities also ranked high with 23.58% citing this would attract them to another job.
