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Recruitment fairs attract graduates across China

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The number of resumes submitted is also on the rise

China’s recruitment activity reaches its peak during March and April, with local governments, colleges, and universities focusing on key groups, such as college graduates, to stabilize employment. Measures taken include building platforms, expanding channels, implementing policies, improving skills, and strengthening guarantees.

According to Zhaopin Recruitment’s weekly spring recruitment market report, the job market is experiencing a surge, with an increase in advertised positions each week since the Spring Festival. Compared to the first week after the holiday, the number of positions recruited in the second, third, and fourth weeks increased by 20%, 25%, and 28%, respectively. The number of resumes submitted has also been on the rise, with an increase of 59%, 77%, and 76% in the second, third, and fourth weeks, respectively.

The Human Resources Trend Report for the First Quarter of 2023 by Liepin Big Data Research Institute shows that many companies are shifting recruitment activities to in-person events due to the economy’s continued recovery and the adjustment of COVID-19 policies. In-person recruitment activities have also introduced livestreaming to advertise jobs online, maximizing the fast and convenient functions of new media platforms.

To seize the important recruitment period of March and April, the central government and local governments have launched a series of employment promotion measures. The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security launched the “Job Introducing the Future-2023 Spring Special Event for Joint Recruitment of College Graduates in Large and Medium-Sized Cities” from March 19 to May 26, organizing targeted, customized, in-person job fairs of various sizes to mobilize enterprises to recruit on campuses, with a focus on college graduates.
