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Retire the CV

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Brazilian tech company wins international Work for Tomorrow award 

Brazilian start-up Labora Tech were announced as the winners of Work for Tomorrow, an international competition looking for the best innovations responding to longer and changing working lives.

The Work for Tomorrow competition was launched by The International Longevity Centre-UK (ILC) and is supported by the Innovation Resource Center for Human Resources. They received more than 60 submissions from organisations and individuals across 17 countries.

Labora Tech provides end-to-end HR technology, revolutionising recruitment by matching people to jobs based on their soft and hard skills and provides training, reskilling, and mentoring to ensure employees thrive in their new roles.

Through large scale recruitment drives, its approach reduces bias and supports career changes and flexibility at work.

With more than 20,000 adults already on the platform, the Sao Paolo-based company is looking to expand its business globally to encourage more employers to “retire the CV”, favouring a skills-based approach.

Considering the UK is battling skills shortages like never before, train-and-deploy as well a focus on hiring for soft skills could very well be what employers need to do to mitigate the lack of candidates in the job market.

Sérgio Serapiao, Co-Founder and CEO of Labora Tech, commented: “I am delighted and honoured to win this competition. The competition has shown the quality and power of initiatives all over the world. I am sure we can contribute a lot to codesign the future of work.”

“I truly believe Labora has developed a social technology that can reach a global scale, and make a positive impact to millions of people and thousands of companies, redefining how we work of tomorrow. This award reinforces that we are on the right track.”

Lily Parsey, Global Policy and Influencing Manager at ILC, said: “The world of work is shifting – and quickly. As our working histories become more complex, we’re more likely to change careers and reskill, we need to think about hiring in a new way. Labora Tech takes blind recruitment one step further by really putting skills, not biases, at the heart of recruitment. It’s long overdue that we move from judging people on their CVs to valuing what someone actually brings to a job.”

The second award given at the event was a “Community Award” given to Brave Starts. This UK based community platform helps adults try out new careers by providing them with information, linking them with professionals, and helping them build the right skills for their career leap.

Jodi Starkman, Executive Director of IRC4HR, said: “It has been an honour and a pleasure to support the Work for tomorrow programme. We have been inspired by the creativity and passion demonstrated by all of the competition participants and are especially excited to recognise Labora Tech and Brave Starts. Their innovations are critical to the work of today and tomorrow as we address the opportunities and challenges presented by longevity in all the places where people come together to accomplish shared goals.”
