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The most flexible industries for employees revealed

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Remote and hybrid work remains a big drawcard for potential employees

With the UK government’s announcement that employees can request flexible working from day one and evidence of how flexible working arrangements improve employee well-being, remote and hybrid work is increasingly sought after.

Office space provider Work.life looked at job listings on LinkedIn to establish which industries offer their staff the most flexible working options. They looked at who posted the highest number of jobs in the onsite, hybrid, and remote categories and how many vacancy adverts included the word “flexible.”

According to their research:

  • Software topped the list as the most flexible industry with 28% of advertised jobs being fully remote. A further 25% indicated that they are open to flexible working
  • Similarly, software came second for hybrid working options –  61% of software vacancies offer some remote working
  • PR, as an industry, offered the most hybrid positions at 60%
  • Only 16% of listed jobs in the PR industry suggest they are flexible
  • Just over a third of the PR jobs advertised are purely onsite
  • Education is one of the industries that offer the least flexibility at just 15%.

Alex Evans, MD of TALiNT Partners commented: “It’s unsurprising that education and retail had the lowest flexible and hybrid options as the nature of the service largely requires talent to be in classrooms or shops, whilst those in IT and software services expect to be able to work remotely. It’s interesting to see job ads for recruitment with remote, hybrid and flexible offers similar to education, indicating that most employers in staffing want their talent back in the office.”

For the full list, click here.
