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Top 25 jobs revealed!

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The top job on the list isn’t what you’d expect

Glassdoor, the global insight business on jobs and companies, has released the 25 Best Jobs in the UK list for 2022.

The curated list combines salaries and overall job satisfaction ratings taken from hundreds of thousands of employee reviews on Glassdoor along with the number of job openings to create an overall Glassdoor Job Score.

Tech trumps

Top job on the list is a Java Developer with a Glassdoor Job Score of 4.6, having first appeared on the 2021 Best Jobs list in 25th place. The role is one of 11 STEM (science, tech, engineering, maths) jobs featured on the 2022 list and is reflective of the industry’s ability to offer a good work/life balance and flexible work options. These are factors that Glassdoor research has shown to positively impact employee happiness. However, just one in four STEM roles are held by women but is predicted to increase to 30% by 2030.

The top earning job on the list is the Enterprise Manager with an average salary of £73,898 while a Corporate Recruiter ranks the best for job satisfaction (4.6). The most in-demand job is a Software Engineer with 3,599 active job openings which indicates the need for businesses across all industries to accelerate digital transformations to stay relevant in the increasingly digital world.

The top ten Best Jobs in the UK for 2022 are:

  1. Java Developer (4.60 Glassdoor Job Score / 71% remote job openings)
  2. Enterprise Architect (4.59 / 91%)
  3. Product Manager (4.58 / 88%)
  4. Full Stack Engineer (4.55/ 92%)
  5. Data Scientist (4.54 / 88%)
  6. HR Manager (4.53 / 87%)
  7. Corporate Recruiter (4.52 / 83%)
  8. HR Business Partner (4.49 / 92%)
  9. Front End Engineer (4.48 / 76%)
  10. Marketing Manager (4.48 / 79%)

Hybrid working wins

According to the survey, hybrid work policies remain important to UK workers. In Glassdoor employee reviews, discussions on the topic soared over 1,000 percent in 2021, so the survey infers that all the roles on the Best Jobs list offer high levels of remote working.

Job vacancies remain at an all-time high and subsequently Glassdoor expects hiring will remain challenging through 2022 and this has resulted in companies paying more attention to the employee experience and putting it at the heart of business operations. As a result, findings from the Best Jobs list saw more HR and recruitment roles than last year (#6 HR Manager, #7 Corporate Recruiter and #8 HR Business Partner) as companies look for better ways to attract and retain their talent as well as to sustain better ways of working in the newly-shaped working landscape.

There were six new roles added to the rankings in this year’s report: #7 Corporate Recruiter, #11 UX Designer, #17 Software Engineer, #22 Finance Manager, #24 Consultant and #25 Procurement Agent.

There were also six roles that were removed from the top 25 in 2022. They are: Dentist (former #3), Tax Manager (former #7), Commercial Manager (former #9), Risk Manager (former #13), Information Security Engineer (former #18), and Site Manager (former #24).

Glassdoor economist Lauren Thomas commented: “Glassdoor’s Best Jobs list is reflective of the wider workplace trends we are currently seeing in the UK. Employees want more hybrid working and a better work/life balance ­– areas which technology and STEM roles have historically excelled in. HR positions are also well represented on the list as the current tightness of the labour market has forced employers to rethink their investment in employee experience.”
