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UK employees could claw back 390 working hours using AI

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With data revealing employers are failing to use AI to its full potential

Employers are not fully embracing Artificial Intelligence’s (AI) potential to support productivity –  with 56% saying their employers are not encouraging AI at work.

Data commissioned by analytics company Visier, has revealed that despite having access to AI, UK employees could save approximately 390 hours of working time per year. Of those employees already embracing AI in the workplace, they’re potentially saving around 1.55 hours per day.

The data comes as the UK government races to build the regulation required to keep up with AI – however, employers are not fully embracing AI’s potential to support productivity in the workplace. 53% of employees are concerned about AI replacing the skills they have and 67% of employees believe that developing AI skills is vital for career growth, with more than half (52%) of employees expecting their employers to take the lead on AI upskilling.

UK employees could save approximately 390 hours of working time per year

The data highlights a discrepancy between the skills employees rank highly and their attitudes towards AI skills. Traditional skills, like soft skills (40%) and leadership skills (43%) were ranked the most important to support career growth. Hard skills such as emerging technology (10%) were ranked less than the development of traditional skills.

More than one in three said AI will add stress at work and 37% fear their accuracy will dip while 38% have concerns surrounding their data privacy. However, 40% agree AI will improve their work-life balance, and 31% believe it will help close the UK’s skills gap.

Ben Harris, Director UK MD at Visier said, “By taking a skills-based view, organisations can rethink roles, and identify skills that can be combined with emerging technologies, like AI, to future-proof jobs, boost productivity and enhance performance. In a context of skills and labour shortages, combining AI with transferable skills will enable companies to fill gaps easily and stay competitive while minimising redundancies.”
