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Workers call on employers to bridge the skills gap in the face of AI optimism

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A third of workers say employers do not provide training on generative AI use

According to a recent survey conducted by Salesforce, approximately two-thirds of workers expressed the expectation that their employers would provide training on generative AI. However, an equal number of respondents revealed that their employers do not fulfill this expectation.

While workers in office environments generally hold an optimistic view regarding the impact of generative AI on their jobs, the research published on July 12 by Salesforce found that 62% of those surveyed lacked the necessary skills to effectively and safely utilize this technology. As a result, they look to their employers to help address this skills gap.

Furthermore, 70% of business leaders surveyed acknowledged that their teams currently lack the skills to safely employ AI, despite the increasing availability of AI tools. Concerns regarding the use of generative AI mainly revolve around ensuring the utilization of reliable data sources and the security of any first-party data used. Survey participants also expressed a lack of knowledge on how to extract maximum value from generative AI.

However, approximately two-thirds of workers surveyed expect their employers to offer opportunities for them to learn how to use generative AI, highlighting a discrepancy between expectations and reality.

Salesforce’s study suggests that employers may have a responsibility to bridge this skills gap, partly because generative AI has the potential to reduce costs and generate revenue.

Over 80% of business leaders surveyed believed that generative AI could lead to lower overall business expenses.

Leading technology companies have already introduced new tools specifically designed for the enterprise market, leveraging generative AI functions. These tools can perform various tasks, such as creating job postings and generating learning programs, indicating the increasing prevalence of generative AI. According to a report by Productboard, nine out of ten venture capital-backed companies plan to incorporate generative AI into their products, with many aiming to do so before the end of the year.

Brent Hyder, President and Chief People Officer of Salesforce, emphasized that AI has the potential to transform jobs across industries and specialties. Hyder stated that employers must anticipate these significant technological shifts and provide resources and training to ensure the success of their employees, customers, and ultimately their business.
