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Working parents report drawbacks to remote or hybrid schedules

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Families face challenges in child care

According to a report from child care provider Bright Horizons on May 15, working parents are facing challenges in achieving work-life balance, child care, and combating loneliness, despite the flexibility offered by remote work arrangements.

Approximately 58% of working parents expressed relief and fulfillment from increased schedule flexibility. However, remote or hybrid work settings can lead to feelings of isolation. Around 47% of respondents reported only interacting with individuals in their household, while 41% said they went days without stepping foot outside their homes. Gen Z and Millennial parents appeared to be particularly impacted by these difficulties.

Bright Horizons CEO, Stephen Kramer, stated, “Many working parents are facing personal and professional struggles. While they have embraced a more flexible work environment, unintended consequences have emerged, affecting their mental well-being and ability to manage their responsibilities.”

Kramer emphasized the need for employers to step in and address these challenges, calling for well-defined benefit programs, mental and professional support services, and access to high-quality child and adult care.

A survey involving over 2,000 U.S. working parents revealed that 40% lacked access to the necessary child care, with 41% citing cost as a major barrier. This shortage of child care also affected work productivity, as half of the parents stated that their job performance suffered due to stress related to child care concerns.

The report discovered that many working parents are seeking assistance from their employers. Roughly half expressed a desire for more support, such as financial assistance for child care, on-site child care facilities, or the establishment of flexible spending accounts (FSAs) specifically for child care expenses. Emergency child care and regular child care services were among the top five benefits that employees believed would incentivize them to stay with their current company.

Nationally, the absence of reliable child care is resulting in a loss of approximately $122 billion in earnings, productivity, and revenue annually for parents, employers, and taxpayers, as revealed by a recent report. For employers, this translates to over $1,600 in reduced revenue per working parent.

To address this issue, the Biden administration has proposed a budget that includes measures for affordable child care, universal preschool, and up to 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave. While it is uncertain whether these provisions will pass Congress in their entirety, certain aspects may gain bipartisan support and become more popular among employers.
