TALiNT Partners Insights provides invaluable information that enables businesses to make informed, strategic decisions. Our curated insights are your tools for problem-solving, fostering growth, and achieving success within talent acquisition and staffing.

Your most valuable asset

Your most valuable asset

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Talent is at the top of every business leader’s mind at the moment. Buzzwords such as ‘the great resignation’, ‘war for talent’ and ‘full employed recession’ are being heard constantly in boardrooms. The record post-Covid hiring boom has begun to slow down a little, but there is still a strong need for quality talent – and they are harder to entice than ever.

As we evolve into a new era, and look to the future of recruitment, it’s more important that businesses recognise the need to adapt their hiring processes to secure the right people, at the right time.


With flexible working on the rise, we are no longer restricted to hiring locally and businesses are able to look further afield to find talent. This can be extremely beneficial for companies who need skills that aren’t as readily available locally. However, this pool is as impressive as it is expansive, and it can take a significant time investment to properly explore the potential of these global employees. For many businesses, extra time can be hard to find. With that in mind, it can often be worth working with a third party who has unparalleled expertise in the global talent marketplace.

By outsourcing the recruitment process, businesses have the chance to draw upon services, support, expertise and hiring models that completely revamp and reinvigorate their talent search. The unprecedented nature of the past few years has made it challenging for businesses to take an informed long-term view. This can be stressful when it comes to making future plans for both customers and employees. By partnering with an outsourcing specialist, which is able to scale up and scale down its services at short notice, businesses can have peace of mind knowing that hiring activities and expectations will be met regardless of volume, budget and time.

“This means that agility, and a willingness to change and adapt, is key for businesses.”


Traditionally, those in the hiring seat commanded an interview setting, determining the pace and the tone, which a prospective employee had to match. Now, the process is much more egalitarian as candidates begin to feel more empowered to challenge interviewers and ask questions. This means that agility, and a willingness to change and adapt, is key for businesses.

Where previously job descriptions may have been more generalised, candidates looking to move jobs are now seeking enticing and fully transparent advertisements. From the outset, workers want to know about salary, benefits, perks, remote working allowances, upskilling opportunities and the potential for longevity in the company.

An open-minded approach is key for business leaders and hiring managers. Those who dismiss outdated perceptions around temporary and permanent hiring are more likely to thrive. Outsourcing recruitment can help here too, utilising external experts to instil a fresh approach that meets the needs of the business, rather than getting tied up with legacy processes and potential historical bias.

Your most valuable asset


It can be hard to find the ‘perfect’ candidate in today’s hiring market, especially with new job titles being created at a rapidly increasing rate. Why not instead snap up those hidden gems who make up for an inexperienced CV with the intelligence and drive to become assets to your team? Hiring for potential is a great way to leverage talent, giving prospective hires a leg up with training and development whilst also giving the business a great return on investment.

But don’t forget to look inward as well as externally in the search for talent. So often we have a solution staring us right in the face; we just need to clear the fog a little. Check in with managers and see who could be a good fit to fill the skills gap in your business. Even if they need some training, there are times when it can be really beneficial to hire from within.


Speaking of looking inward, don’t be afraid to review training processes to reskill or upskill your existing talent. Times of change are great opportunities to offer existing employees the chance to level up their skills and try something new. Tapping into this appetite for professional development can help plug the gaps – and give you an up-to-date snapshot of skillsets across the business.

The current hiring landscape has dramatically shifted, and the need to balance business objectives with employee satisfaction has never been more important. For companies seeking long-term growth, the workforce is the key to success.

“Check who could be a good fit to fill the skills gap in your business.”
