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65% of neurodivergent employees fear discrimination within the workplace

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Survey highlights the importance of inclusive language in neurodiverse workforces

A new survey reveals 75% of respondents disliked the term ‘disabled people’, instead noting a preference for ‘person-first’ language, such as ‘people living with a disability’ or ‘people with a disability.’

87% of respondents with dyslexia oppose the term ‘dyslexics’, in comparison to 71% of respondents preferring to be referred to as ‘people with dyslexia’. Additionally, respondents indicated a preference for ‘dyspraxia’ over ‘developmental coordination disorder’ (DCD), with 92% voting in favour of ‘dyspraxia.’

Exceptional Individuals, the UK’s first employment agency for the neurodiverse community, conducted ‘The Exceptional Individuals Language Consultation Report’ to highlight the need for inclusive language when referring to neurodiverse individuals within the workplace.

Respondents with ADHD, dyspraxia and dyslexia favoured ‘person-first’ language by 88.9%, 65.5% and 71% respectively. The term ‘neurodivergence’ (40%) was preferred over ‘condition’ (34%), ‘difference’ (20%), or ‘disorder’ (6%). ‘Disorder’ saw the lowest number of votes, with one person noting that they “very much dislike the words ‘disorder’ and ‘ condition’”, and another stating “I use ADHD because people understand what that is. However, I really hate the word disorder.”

A recent study reported that 65% of neurodivergent employees fear discrimination from management within the workplace, whilst 55% fear discrimination from colleagues. 40% of respondents also claimed there are not enough knowledgeable staff to help. In addition, the report revealed all neurodivergent employees reported low levels of well-being – highlighting the importance of ensuring that all members of staff use inclusive language.

Matt Boyd, Founder of Exceptional Individuals, said: “The meaning of a word can evolve over time. Some good words turn bad. Some bad words turn good. So it’s important that we stay vigilant of what is and isn’t considered acceptable language within our communities. But change doesn’t happen overnight. Our findings make clear that there is no specific, ‘correct’, language we should all be using, but rather that we need to respect individual preferences to be truly inclusive.”

Fintan O’Toole, HR expert and Owner of The HR Dept said: “Employers need to embrace the different skills and competencies that they have in their workforce and to explore individual development plans for all staff regardless of their apparent abilities. What may at the outset present itself as an obstacle may well be a strength that can be built on for both the employer and the employee. All staff should be made to feel welcome in the workplace.”
