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79% of remote employees worked more than two jobs in past year

63% said that, within the past year, an employer has found out they were working multiple jobs.

Eight in 10 remote workers have been overemployed within the past year, according to a report by ResumeBuilder. The survey found that 79% of remote workers had worked two or more remote jobs simultaneously to earn an extra income within the past year.

Stacie Haller, Chief Career Advisor at ResumeBuilder said: “When we look at the data of our survey, most of the respondents who hold more than just one full-time job are in careers where their typical hours can be flexible and may change weekly, such as sales and IT/software. Employees in those positions likely have hours where they can take on other positions. What should matter to the employer is how they are performing on the job they were hired for.”

The survey found that 36% of respondents have at least two full-time jobs, and the vast majority said they also work multiple part-time jobs.

When asked how easy or difficult it is to balance working multiple jobs, 15% of respondents said it is “very easy,” 24% said it is “somewhat easy,” 52% said it is “somewhat difficult,” and 10% said balancing multiple jobs is “very difficult.”

Meanwhile, when asked if it was or is difficult to hide working multiple jobs from their employers, 15% of respondents said it is or was “very difficult,” 45% said “somewhat difficult,” 25% said “a little difficult,” 7% say “not at all difficult,” and 9% said that their employers are aware of their situation.

According to the report, nearly two-thirds of the respondents, 63%, said that, within the past year, an employer has found out they were working multiple jobs.

ResumeBuilder surveyed more than 1,000 employees working entirely remotely in January for the report.
