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58% of employers believe that AI and VR will serve as job creators

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35% of companies have already adopted AI

In a recent report titled “The Future Is Now: AI, the Metaverse and the World of Work” by Experis, a division of ManpowerGroup Inc., it was revealed that more than half of employers, precisely 58%, believe that artificial intelligence (AI) and virtual reality (VR) will serve as job creators.

The survey conducted for the report also highlighted the intention of companies to integrate emerging technologies into their recruitment process. The following statistics were obtained:

  • Artificial intelligence: 35% of companies have already adopted it, while an additional 36% plan to do so.
  • Conversational AI: 35% of companies have embraced this technology, and another 36% have plans to incorporate it.
  • Machine learning: 38% of companies have implemented machine learning, and 34% have intentions to adopt it.
  • Virtual reality: 30% of companies have already integrated virtual reality, and 35% have future plans for its adoption.

Ger Doyle, the Senior Vice President at Experis, emphasized the transformative impact of AI, machine learning, virtual reality, and other emerging technologies on various industries. He stated that this integration necessitates a flexible and adaptable workforce. Doyle also expressed his observation that companies are actively embracing these technologies and either hiring new talent or upskilling their existing workforce to leverage the potential productivity gains. He added that forward-thinking employers understand the significance of embracing digitalization while nurturing human talent to enhance their preparedness for success in this era of rapid technological advancement.

The report also provided additional insights:

  • 65% of the respondents agreed with the statement that “The metaverse would improve ways that I can interact with my colleagues in other locations.”
  • 76% of job seekers expressed comfort with the use of AI in the hiring process, but 46% preferred having a real person review their application.
  • 40% of workers expressed their comfort with virtual job interviews, while 32% still preferred in-person interviews.

The survey was conducted from March through April and involved a total of 1,100 responses from employers and candidates. The responses were gathered through LinkedIn (1,000) and online platforms (100).
