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AI’s impending integration in APAC workplaces

AI is revolutionising the way we work and according to AWS, it will be widely used across the region by 2028.

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92% of employers in the APAC region anticipate leveraging AI-related solutions.
Majority of employers (95%) believe that AI will yield positive outcomes for their organisations.
Employees can expect salary bumps of up to 51% due to AI proficiency

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In a ground-breaking revelation, a recent study by Amazon Web Services forecasts the widespread integration of AI-related tools and solutions across workplaces in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region by 2028. The study, commissioned by Access Partnership, surveyed nearly 15,000 employees and close to 5,000 employers, shedding light on the anticipated impact of AI technology on various sectors, with human resources (HR) departments emerging as key beneficiaries.

AI’s penetration in APAC workplaces

According to the study, a staggering 92% of employers in the APAC region anticipate leveraging AI-related solutions and tools within their organisations by 2028. These AI applications range from chatbots enhancing customer service to machine learning algorithms optimising financial analysis and projections, revolutionising the way businesses operate and interact with stakeholders.

Identifying key gainers from AI technology

 Among the noteworthy findings, a significant majority of employers (95%) believe that AI will yield positive outcomes for their organisations, with optimism particularly pronounced in Indonesia and India. Interestingly, HR departments are poised to reap substantial benefits from AI adoption, as indicated by 81% of respondents. Task automation and workflow enhancement emerged as the primary advantages accrued from AI implementation, promising to streamline operations and drive efficiency across sectors.

AI’s influence on compensation and Talent Acquisition

Notably, the study also highlights the potential for AI to impact compensation structures, with employers willing to offer salary premiums to employees equipped with AI skills. In regions like India, employees can expect salary bumps of up to 51% due to AI proficiency, signalling a lucrative opportunity for skill development and career advancement. However, despite the burgeoning demand for AI talent, a staggering 75% of employers express challenges in finding qualified candidates, with South Korea and Japan facing significant workforce gaps in this domain.

Addressing the AI skills gap

To bridge the AI skills gap, the report emphasises the need for comprehensive awareness training programs and collaborative efforts between governments, industries, and educators. Recognising the barriers hindering AI skills development, including lack of implementation knowledge and time constraints, the study underscores the collective responsibility to cultivate an AI-ready workforce in the APAC region. Amazon underscores the urgency of addressing the looming skills gap to unlock the full potential of AI and drive sustainable growth in the region.

Looking ahead: A collaborative approach to AI integration

As the APAC region braces for the transformative impact of AI technology, fostering collaboration and investing in skill development initiatives will be paramount. By equipping workers with AI proficiency and facilitating seamless integration into evolving roles, businesses can harness the full potential of AI to drive innovation, efficiency, and growth in the digital era. With concerted efforts and strategic investments, APAC stands poised to unlock new opportunities and navigate the evolving landscape of work in the age of AI.
