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AI training

Demand rises for AI, leadership and IT certification skills

Expert cites 'consistent need to upskill across both technological and leadership capabilities'.

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There’s been a shift towards employees seeking to enhance their proficiency in generative AI.
Many workers are also prioritizing the development of human skills such as active listening.
Udemy recorded approximately 10 million enrollments in IT certification courses over the past year.

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A recent report by Udemy has revealed a notable surge in the demand for AI, leadership, and IT certification skills within the business landscape.

According to Udemy’s Q4 2023 Global Workplace Learning Index, there’s been a noticeable shift towards employees seeking to enhance their proficiency in generative AI, bolster human skills, and pursue additional certifications.

Greg Brown, Udemy’s president and CEO, commented, “The year 2023 witnessed significant trends in generative AI, hybrid work models, fostering inclusive workplaces, and navigating economic uncertainties, all of which underscored the crucial need for upskilling in both technical and leadership domains.” He emphasized the growing importance of not only technical skills but also soft skills or “power skills” in today’s workforce.

The report highlights a growing interest among employees in harnessing generative AI to enhance their roles and organizational performance. Notably, ChatGPT emerged as the fastest-growing skill in Udemy’s Global Learning & Skills Trends Report for 2023. Additionally, there was a notable uptick in demand for cybersecurity and ethical hacking courses, particularly within the entertainment and media industries.

There’s a growing interest among employees in harnessing generative AI to enhance their roles and organizational performance.

In response to the evolving landscape, many workers are also prioritizing the development of human skills such as active listening, customer service, and maintaining work-life balance.

Furthermore, the report underscores a heightened focus on certification training, reflecting the competitive nature of the job market. Udemy recorded approximately 10 million enrollments in IT certification courses over the past year, with a growing preference for certification preparation programs.

Stephanie Stapleton Sudbury, president of Udemy Business, emphasized the importance for organizations to adapt to the changing skill demands. “As the nature of work evolves rapidly, it’s essential for leaders to integrate skills-based approaches into talent development strategies and stay abreast of key learning trends and top skills to effectively prepare their workforce,” she noted.

The Udemy Global Workplace Learning Index, a quarterly report, draws insights from the activity of nearly 16,000 Udemy Business customers worldwide, shedding light on the emerging skill trends and demands across industries.
