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Employer branding in a candidate-driven market: strategies for success in the APAC region

In the APAC region’s competitive job market, the power has shifted towards candidates, giving them more options and higher expectations.

Content Insights

A strong employer brand differentiates an organisation from its competitors, attracting potential candidates.
Employee advocacy enhances the authenticity and trustworthiness of your employer brand.
Regularly assess and adapt your employer branding strategies based on metrics like employee engagement and candidate feedback.

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In the competitive job market across the APAC region, the balance of power has shifted significantly towards candidates. This candidate-driven market means that job seekers have more options and higher expectations than ever before. For employers, this shift necessitates a robust employer branding strategy to attract and retain top talent. Here’s how organisations can effectively build and leverage their employer brand in this dynamic environment. 

Understanding the candidate-driven market 

A candidate-driven market is characterised by a high demand for skilled workers and a limited supply of qualified candidates. This scenario is prevalent in many APAC countries, where rapid economic growth and technological advancements have created a surge in job opportunities. As a result, candidates can afford to be selective, prioritising employers who offer not just competitive salaries, but also a compelling work culture, career development opportunities, and a strong sense of purpose. 

The importance of employer branding 

Employer branding is the process of promoting a company as the employer of choice to a desired target group, which a company needs and wants to attract, recruit, and retain. A strong employer brand helps to differentiate an organisation from its competitors, making it more attractive to potential candidates. It also plays a crucial role in employee retention, as a positive employer brand can enhance employee satisfaction and loyalty. 

Key strategies for building a strong employer brand 

Define your Employer Value Proposition (EVP) 

The EVP is the unique set of benefits that an employee receives in return for the skills, capabilities, and experience they bring to a company. It should reflect the core values and culture of the organisation. In the APAC region, where cultural diversity is vast, it’s essential to tailor the EVP to resonate with local talent while maintaining a consistent global message. 

Leverage relevant digital platforms 

In a digital age, online presence is paramount. Utilize social media, company websites, and job portals to showcase your company culture, employee testimonials, and career opportunities. Platforms like LinkedIn, Glassdoor, and local job boards are particularly effective in the APAC region. Regularly update these platforms with engaging content that highlights your company’s strengths and values. 

Employee advocacy 

Your current employees are your best brand ambassadors. Encourage them to share their positive experiences on social media and professional networks. Employee testimonials and stories can provide authentic insights into your company culture and work environment, making your brand more relatable and trustworthy to potential candidates. 

Focus on candidate experience 

The recruitment process is often the first interaction a candidate has with your company. Ensure that this experience is positive, transparent, and respectful. Provide timely feedback, clear communication, and a smooth application process. A positive candidate experience can significantly enhance your employer brand and increase the likelihood of attracting top talent. 

Invest in employee development 

Career growth and development opportunities are highly valued by candidates in the APAC region. Offer training programs, mentorship, and clear career progression paths. Investing in your employees’ growth enhances their skills and demonstrates your commitment to their long-term success. This commitment can significantly strengthen your employer brand.

Promote diversity and inclusion 

Diversity and inclusion are critical components of a strong employer brand. In the APAC region, where cultural diversity is significant, promoting an inclusive work environment can help attract a broader range of candidates. Highlight your company’s commitment to diversity through policies, initiatives, and employee stories. 


In a candidate-driven market, particularly in the diverse and dynamic APAC region, therefore, a strong employer brand is essential for attracting and retaining top talent. By defining a compelling EVP, leveraging digital platforms, fostering employee advocacy, enhancing candidate experience, investing in employee development, promoting diversity and inclusion, and continuously measuring and adapting your strategies, you can build an employer brand that stands out in the competitive job market. Ultimately, a strong employer brand will not only help you attract top talent but also foster a positive work environment that drives long-term success for your organisation. 
