Support must encompass all four pillars of health and well-being
A recent survey among 500 HR decision-makers in the UK has revealed that health and well-being support is essential in recruiting and retaining talent.
The survey, undertaken for Towergate Health & Protection, found that
- 42% said supporting the health and well-being of staff is key to retaining talent
- 31% said health and well-being support is a major factor in attracting new staff
- 18% of employers said that insufficient health and well-being support impacts their ability to recruit and retain people
- 26% of employers agreed that support for mental health had increased most in importance
- 19% felt that the overall health and well-being package had grown most in importance
The research also indicated that the support on offer needs to be wide and holistic. Other important factors included:
- Social interaction through work (11%)
- Communication of support offered (9%)
- Support for financial health (9%)
- An environmental, social, and governance (ESG) strategy (8%)
The survey results, together with anecdotal evidence from Towergate Health & Protection’s client base, showed that while implementing a strong health and well-being programme is essential, communication of the programme must be wide and easily accessed and managed by employees and employers to make a difference.
The research also revealed that all four pillars of health and well-being – emotional, physical, financial, and social – are vital to adding the most value to recruitment and retention.
Debra Clark, Head of Specialist Consulting, Towergate Health & Protection, says: “The research supports our anecdotal evidence of the wider reaches of health and wellbeing support, and why it is so important that employers have a clear and well-communicated strategy. The wider the health and well-being support offered, the better the array of talent it will attract and retain.”
“Employees’ needs and demands have shifted dramatically since before the pandemic struck. We have all had a realignment of priorities, and employers need to match these if they are to attract and retain the best staff, which is only going to become more important.”