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In the AI age, ‘human’ skills remain in-demand

41% of HR plan to hire new employees to plug AI-created skills gaps 

According to a report released on July 13 by TalentLMS, as the influence of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation continues to reshape workplaces globally, certain cognitive skills associated with human intelligence will remain highly sought after.

The report surveyed HR managers and found that 64% acknowledged the impact of AI on the workforce and the changing demand for specific skills. Approximately 65% of respondents stated that digital, interpersonal, and cognitive skills will be the most critical for success in the AI era. Among the cognitive skills deemed essential were problem-solving, creativity, originality, imagination, and the ability to learn.

However, the rise of AI also brings forth a significant skills gap, according to 43% of HR managers surveyed. Recognizing the need for organizational resilience, Thanos Papangelis, Co-Founder of TalentLMS, emphasized the importance of incorporating AI into learning and development initiatives. To bridge the skills gap, 58% of HR managers indicated that their companies would focus on upskilling and reskilling programs. Additionally, the same percentage expressed intentions to invest in AI training tools, while 41% planned to hire new employees to address the gap.

HR managers also observed the current impact of AI on employee well-being. More than half of the survey participants agreed that the necessity of acquiring new skills driven by AI contributed to increased employee stress. Furthermore, 58% expressed concerns regarding job insecurity among employees and a decrease in confidence among older generations in the workplace due to AI.

In response to these challenges, 45% of HR managers believed that companies should establish clear AI policies, including ethics guidelines. Additionally, 41% felt that organizations should prepare for a blended workforce, integrating both human employees and AI systems.

The issue of the AI skills gap has gained considerable attention, as a July 2023 report by Salesforce researchers indicated that nearly two-thirds of workers lack the necessary skills to effectively and safely use AI in the workplace. Employees expect their employers to assist in addressing this skills gap by providing training opportunities to learn how to utilize new tools effectively.

Furthermore, researchers from SAS stated that the lack of AI knowledge is hindering productivity and innovation in the United States. Consequently, on-the-job training and upskilling initiatives are expected to play a pivotal role in guiding employees towards acquiring the skills needed to adapt to the changing landscape.
