A new survey reveals that 51% of remote workers now reply faster to emails to prove they’re working – and 95% of HR workers feel most trusted to be at their desks.
A survey of 1,015 office workers commissioned by Furniture At Work through Opinion Matters highlights changes to habits and routines as remote workers seek to reassure their employers that they’re working.
It found that 20% of UK workers now have Teams on their personal mobile phone and 29% ensure Teams never goes onto an ‘away’ status. It also found that 51% have started replying to messages faster to remind colleagues they’re working; 47% have been checking in regularly with calls and emails; and 49% now send emails either early in the morning or late at night.
The survey confirmed that 10am to 11am every day is the most common time for UK workers to take a break, with 22% doing this, and Monday is the day when workers are most likely to feel productive, with 24% saying this is the day when they get the most work done. Friday is the least productive day for 36%. However, those aged 16-24 chose Wednesday as their most productive day (26%), with 22% saying Monday was their least productive day.
A spokesperson for Furniture At Work said: “With so many extending their working days when working at home, it remains to be seen how this could translate into office working. It’s important for employers to understand that their staff are having to adapt to a second major change to their working lives in 18 months. Given that 11% of the workforce still don’t feel trusted by their employer to complete their set hours in a week, considering a flexible working policy could help make a smoother transition and reassure workers that you’re not rushing them back to a place where you can see them.”
Photo courtesy of Canva.com