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Salary trumps job security for MENA employees find Tiger Recruitment

Salary expectations shift: MENA workers prioritise pay raises and job mobility in 2023.

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Workers are inclined towards seeking new employment opportunities offering better compensation.
39% of employees highlight salary as the primary factor that attracted them to their current job.
The majority of workers report having received their last pay raise one to two years ago.

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Nearly seven out of ten (69%) employees in the MENA region express confidence in receiving a pay increase in 2023, even if it entails changing jobs, as per research conducted by Tiger Recruitment. Despite facing global challenges and escalating inflation rates, workers in MENA are inclined towards seeking new employment opportunities offering better compensation rather than negotiating for a raise within their current organisation.

Following a year marked by stagnant wages, 37% of employees in the region indicate their willingness to switch jobs to secure the desired paycheck, notwithstanding concerns that their job hunt might extend longer than usual. A lesser proportion (22%) express a preference for job security by remaining in their current role, while merely 16% plan to engage in negotiations for a pay raise with their existing employer. Tiger’s data suggests that reluctance to pursue a raise could stem from the fact that almost half (42%) of MENA workers have previously discussed the matter with their supervisors, yet only 28% managed to obtain an increase. The majority of workers report having received their last pay raise one to two years ago, with 15% stating that it has been five years or more since their salaries were last adjusted.

Employers must recognise this trend and offer competitive compensation packages to retain top talent.

Commenting on these findings, Zahra Clark, Head of MENA for Tiger Recruitment, remarked, “Tiger Recruitment’s research underscores a concerning trend in the MENA region, where individuals often find their earnings falling short of expectations. Employers may attempt to justify stagnant pay by highlighting non-monetary benefits, but it’s evident that salary remains paramount for job seekers and employees.”

According to Tiger’s survey, 39% of MENA employees highlight salary as the primary factor that attracted them to their current job, with an even higher proportion (73%) emphasising its importance in their next role. Clark emphasises the significance of these findings for employers, stating, “With the increasing cost of living, individuals are feeling the financial strain and are motivated to seek better-paying opportunities. Employers must recognise this trend and offer competitive compensation packages to retain top talent. Failure to address salary concerns may result in difficulty retaining valuable employees.”

To aid employers in benchmarking their compensation packages, Tiger Recruitment has released its 2023 Salary and Benefits Review, compiled based on a survey of approximately 400 MENA workers, along with in-house data and market insights.
