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Talent Access

Shifting from Talent Acquisition to Talent Access

How shifting from Talent Acquisition to Talent Access can improve agility, retention, and competitiveness.
Retaining top talent is key to career development and growth opportunities.
Talent access increases organisational adaptability in a changing market.
Clear development paths help retain top talent, reducing turnover.

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 In today’s fast-paced talent landscape, businesses must move beyond traditional talent acquisition strategies and adopt a talent access approach, according to Rose Freeman, Director at Aon in the Middle East. 

This shift is driven by the need to address economic uncertainty and tackle growing skill gaps. As companies navigate these challenges, they are rethinking their hiring strategies, looking within to tap into their current workforce. By identifying and redeploying employees with the potential to take on new roles, organisations can become more agile and efficient. 

Focusing on employee development and retention 

A critical component of this transition is upskilling and reskilling existing employees. Organisations must prioritise retention by offering clear career growth opportunities, and ensuring that talented individuals are recognised, rewarded, and remain engaged. Transparent communication about these initiatives is essential, reinforcing the company’s commitment to employee development. 

This approach, often referred to as workforce mobility, allows for the seamless transfer of employees across various roles based on their skill sets. This flexibility not only benefits the employees but also ensures that the company can adapt to changing market needs.  

The broader benefits of Talent Access

Talent access represents a more dynamic and flexible recruitment strategy. It encourages a culture of continuous learning and development, preparing the workforce to thrive in a rapidly evolving marketplace. 

By adopting talent access strategies, organisations can remain competitive in the ongoing battle for talent. This approach also helps optimise costs by reducing the financial burden of maintaining a permanent workforce, enabling businesses to bring in specialised skills as needed, which leads to greater financial efficiency.  

Enhancing agility, innovation, and diversity  

Talent access promotes agility for both organisations and individuals. Employees can explore their broader skill sets, while companies benefit from a diverse talent pool that aligns with their strategic goals. 

Moreover, a diverse workforce fosters innovation. By leveraging unique skill sets and perspectives, organisations can boost creativity and problem-solving capabilities, creating a more inclusive and dynamic work environment.  

Why Talent Access is crucial for competitiveness 

Ignoring the shift to talent access could be detrimental to organisations looking to stay competitive. Today’s job seekers place significant value on personal and professional growth, seeking employers that offer clear opportunities for development and mobility.  

A lack of growth opportunities is one of the primary reasons employees leave their jobs, according to the American Psychological Association. To retain top talent, companies must implement talent access strategies that provide a clear path for career advancement. 

Beyond talent retention, the impact on economic growth and productivity is profound. The shift to talent access prioritises developing internal talent over traditional hiring, requiring a new mindset.


Organisations that embrace talent access strategies can gain a deeper understanding of their workforce capabilities. Promoting internal mobility and offering new learning and development opportunities enables companies to improve workforce planning and increase career flexibility. This approach also helps businesses maintain a competitive edge in the market.

Failing to adapt to this new approach may result in lost opportunities and a weakened position in the talent market. 
