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Stars and lights

Stars & lights

TALiNT Partners is thrilled to announce the finalists of this year’s first in-person TIARA Talent Solutions Awards!

The TIARA Talent Solutions Awards honors MSP, RPO and Talent Solutions providers across North America that have made significant contributions to the field over the past 12 months. The awards recognize exceptional achievements across a range of categories, including The Client Service Award, The Omni Inclusive DE&I Award and The Cornerstone Best Use of Technology Award. With more finalists than ever, this year is set to be TALiNT Partners’ biggest celebration yet.

In addition to the Awards ceremony, TALiNT Partners will host a Talent Solutions Conference on the same day. The conference will feature keynote speakers, roundtable discussions, and panel debates on the latest trends, challenges and opportunities across the sector.

It promises to be a day of invaluable knowledge sharing and insight to highlight and discuss key trends, challenges and opportunities across the sector – followed by an evening of glitz and glamor – in front of the shark tank!


The format will slightly differ this year! Panel discussions will run as normal, but following the panelists’ contributions, a rather ‘experimental’ session will follow! There will be advocates of two positions on a proposition to debate the merits of each position and then ask the audience to vote on a winner! We’ll look at serious topics but in (hopefully) a fun, lively and engaging way. Some of the topics include: Agile vs Enterprise; ESG: do candidates/ employers care; Automation vs Humanization.

There will be prizes!


Both the Awards ceremony and conference will take place on Thursday June 8 at the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta. The aquarium is the largest in the United States, and it exhibits hundreds of species and thousands of animals across its seven major galleries. “Yet again we are delighted at the quality of the entries for this year’s awards. They clearly demonstrate the dynamism, innovation and continuous improvement of an even wider range of Talent Solutions providers,” said Ken Brotherston, Chief Executive at TALiNT Partners. This is a fantastic opportunity to engage executive leaders and decision makers from the widest range of RPO, MSP and Talent Solutions providers. For further information on the conference and Awards please click here.


“As innovators in the talent acquisition technology field, we understand the importance of recognizing excellence in the staffing and resourcing industry. The TIARA Awards play an essential role by showcasing ingenuity, achievement and continued success. As the talent acquisition field continues to grow and evolve, it’s important to spotlight the diverse and unique solutions available today, especially when it comes to increasing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives.

As a company who believes in supporting innovative ideas and collaborating with others in the industry, TalentNet is thrilled to sponsor the 2023 Talent Solutions US TIARA Awards. We’re excited to see how major players in the market have grown and matured throughout the year.” TalentNet

As a company that is dedicated to transforming the way the extended workforce is managed and engaged, Beeline believes that recognizing and celebrating innovation and excellence in the talent solutions industry is vital. The TIARA Talent Solutions Awards provide a platform to honor those who are driving positive change and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the world of talent management. We are proud to be involved in these prestigious awards, as they align with our values and commitment to recognizing and promoting excellence in the talent solutions space. – Brian Hoffmeyer, SVP Marketing Strategies at Beeline

